The complete set of sermons published by Cardinal Newman is available on three websites: Newman Reader, Internet Archive, and NINS Digital Collections. Newman Reader provides text transcriptions; the other two provide digital images. Internet Archive permits downloading in PDF and other formats. The NINS website doesn't provide for linking to a specific page in a document (thus no link is given below for specific sermons on NINS).Selected SermonsAnglican VolumesCatholic VolumesCollections
Selected Sermons—best known, noteworthy
Holiness Necessary for Future Blessedness (preached 1826) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Parochial and Plain Sermons, v1, sermon 1)The Ventures of Faith (preached 1836) Newman Reader | Internet Archive| NINS (Parochial and Plain Sermons, v4, sermon 20)The Gainsaying of Korah (preached 1838) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Parochial and Plain Sermons, v4, sermon 18)The Theory of Developments in Religious Doctrine (preached 1843) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Oxford University Sermons, sermon 15)The Parting of Friends (preached 1843) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Sermons Bearing on Subjects of the Day, sermon 26)Faith and Private Judgment (preached 1849) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations, discourse 10)The Second Spring (preached 1852) Newman Reader | Internet Archive | NINS (Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, sermon 10)Top of page
Cardinal Newman's Best Plain Sermons, edited by Vincent Ferrer Blehl, SJ (1964)Internet ArchiveIn 1846 Newman described these as "some of the best" of his Anglican sermons. [Letters and Diaries, Volume 11, p 99]Selection Adapted to the Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year from the Parochial & Plain Sermons of John Henry Newman (1878)Newman Reader| Internet ArchiveIn reference to this selection of his Anglican sermons, Newman wrote in 1879: 'I have just published a Selection from my Oxford Sermons in one Volume, and have chosen such as can without inconsistency, being a Catholic, give away, … ' [Letters and Diaries, Volume 29, p 3]Favorite Newman Sermons, selected by Daniel M O'Connell, SJ (1932)Newman Reader | Internet Archive(requires log-in)Top of page