References for Website
Newman Photo
National Institute for Newman Studies (NINS) : 1863 Newman photo, NINS Digital Collections Link
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Gibbons : "My Memories," James Cardinal Gibbons, Dublin Review, 1917-04, Volume 160, Issue 321, pp 171-172 Link
Gladstone : Speech at Oxford University, William Ewart Gladstone, The Times, April 26, 1878, p 6 [Quoted in Letters and Diaries, Volume 28, p 351] Link *
Pollen : John Hungerford Pollen, 1829-1902, Anne Pollen, 1912, pp 263-264 Link
Shairp : Studies in Poetry and Philosophy, J C Shairp, 1868, p 277 Link
Paul VI : "Allocution following beatification of Fr. Dominic Barberi, CP," Pope Paul VI, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol. 55, 1963, pp 1024-1025 Link
Pius IX : Newman the Oratorian; his unpublished Oratory papers, Placid Murray, editor, p 422; Appendix 2: "A Memorial Forever," Pope Pius IX, Papal Brief, 26 November 1847 Link *
Du Boulay : Letters and Diaries, Volume 20, pp 28-29; Letter from Sister Mary Gabriel Du Boulay OSD to Father Newman, August 1861 Link *
Belloc : Apologia pro Vita Sua, John Henry Newman, edited by Daniel M O'Connell, SJ, 1930, forward by Hillaire Belloc, pp xi-xii Link
Knox : Occasional sermons of Ronald A Knox, Sermon 17. The Conversions of Newman and Faber, 1960, pp 236-240 Link *
Offer of Cardinalate : Addresses to Cardinal Newman with his replies, etc., 1879-81, edited by Rev William Paine Neville, CO, p xxi Link
Villalobos : "How a miracle through Cardinal Newman saved a mother and baby in a dangerous pregnancy," Mary Farrow, Catholic News Agency, 12 October 2019 Link
Ratzinger : "Presentation ... on the Occasion of the First Centenary of the Death of Cardinal John Henry Newman," Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Rome, 28 April 1990 Link
John Paul II : "Letter ... on the Occasion of the 2nd Centenary of the Birth of Cardinal John Henry Newman," Pope John Paul II, from the Vatican, 22 January 2001 Link
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